Surgical Critical Care

Surgical Critical Care
The journal scope encompasses several important topics including Intensive Care Unit, Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, Neuro Intensive Care, Inflavonoid Intensive Care, Pediatric Intensive Care, Surgical Critical Care, Pediatric Emergency Care, Pulmonary Critical care, Critical Care Paramedic, Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.
The Journal is using Editor Tracking System for easy online tracking and managing of the manuscript processing.
Length of Hospital Stay During Injury
- likelihood of death
- likely hospital and other resource requirements
- the cost and complexity of the resources and treatments required
- length of recovery
- likelihood and extent of permanent impairment
- energy dissipation or absorption
- incidence of a particular trauma type and impact on quality of life.
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Best Regards
zeo kemp
Journal co-ordinator
Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing