Critical Care Nursing advancements

Critical Care Nursing advancements
The Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing aims to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to Critical Care Nursing. Critical Care Nursing is an important part of Nursing with a focus of complete care of the patients.
The web metric has revealed that Allied Academies is highly popular among scientific associations, libraries and professional bodies. More than 2,147,577 users have accessed the publisher website with more than 6,486,1480 page views. In most of the cases, article will be accepted immediately after the revision by the editor (if the revision is found satisfactory)Sometimes, editors assign reviewers after revision from author, then we need to repeat the process until the final decision. Total time for a manuscript from submission to final decision is 40-45 days. The overall process may delay/completes earlier than the above given time line depending on the following two reasons:
- Late/earlier submission of review comments by reviewers
- Late/earlier submission of revised manuscript by authors. After acceptance, proof correction/proof reading should be done.
The journal scope encompasses several important topics including Intensive Care Unit, Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, Neuro Intensive Care, Inflavonoid Intensive Care, Pediatric Intensive Care, Surgical Critical Care, Pediatric Emergency Care, Pulmonary Critical care, Critical Care Paramedic, Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.
Best Regards
zoe kemp
Journal co-ordinator
Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing